Gibson is the People’s Choice in the 2025 Halliday Wine Companion Awards

Gibson is the People’s Choice in the 2025 Halliday Wine Companion Awards

We’re thrilled to announce that Gibson Wines has taken out the People’s Choice Award in the 2025 Halliday Wine Companion Awards

This award is particularly special to us because it’s voted for by you, our loyal supporters and fans. Out of the 980 Australian wineries reviewed within the 2025 Halliday Wine Companion, you chose us as the Best Winery Experience.

The People's Choice award is based on standout criteria like cellar door experiences, our friendly and knowledgeable staff, scenic views, and, of course, the quality of our wines. To be chosen among such esteemed company, including finalists like Fermoy Estate, Brokenwood, and fellow Barossa producers Elderton and Laughing Jack, is truly an honour.

Since Rob and Anne founded Gibson Wines in 1996, we’ve always aimed to create wines that express generosity and authenticity—values we still hold dear today. Our signature bottling, ‘The Dirtman’ Barossa Shiraz, has become a symbol of our commitment to quality and our deep connection to the Barossa region.

Recently, we underwent a significant transformation at our cellar door. In May, we reopened with a fresh new look, alongside our restored 170-year-old Settler’s Cottage, The Smithy. We’ve also introduced refreshed tasting experiences and an evolution in our branding, all designed to offer you an even more memorable visit.

Rob Gibson, our founder and chief winemaker, sees this award as a reflection of the “grassroots love” for our family-owned winery.

“Winning the 2025 Halliday People’s Choice Award is an incredible honour,” said Rob. “Generosity is something we constantly look to express—through a comfort factor in each of our wines, and through the hospitality we offer at our cellar door. This generosity is hopefully felt by our customers and reflected by a great number of them voting for us. We are, of course, immensely thankful,” he added.

“The Gibson team is small but mighty. We strike a beautiful balance of passion and professionalism. Family members directly involved—my wife Anne and son Adam—are supported by wine and hospitality professionals at the top of their game. It’s this blend that really drives our success. Authenticity and down-to-earth character are values we hold both in our wines and our people”, said Rob.

A huge thank you to everyone for being a part of our journey and for making this award possible. We can’t wait to continue sharing our wines and experiences with you into the future.

The Gibson Family & Team

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